
Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas gift card holder

Merry Christmas to everyone!  I am looking forward to Christmas morning with my children.  My youngest is only 15 months so he doesn't know what to expect but I can't wait to see how he will react.  I think that it took a week for my oldest to open presents when she was that age.  Not anymore though!  That changes quickly.  But I will just enjoy the day with my family without any major responsibilities.  Just play time.

Here is one more Christmas card before the holiday.  I whipped up a few of these for the last minute gift cards that I bought.

The center section holds the gift card.  To make this, cut a piece of card stock 12 x 5.5" and score at 4.25', 6', and 7.75".  Fold on the score marks and fold the center section inward.  Cut a notch the width of the gift card so that you can slide it in.  Make sure that you add adhesive inside the flaps or the gift card will just fall out.  Doesn't make sense as I'm writing this but once you cut and score, it will make sense.

I decorated part of the inside with paper mostly because I dropped the ink pad and made a mess that needed to be covered ; /

I hope that this inspires you for your last minute gifts for Christmas or any other holiday.

 Remarkable wreaths stamp set was used for the cover of this card.  But it is very versatile for any occasion.

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